Trekking in Sicily

Sicilia - Randazzo

SiciliaTrek offers individual and group excursions and trekking for one or more 'days which take you through extraordinarily beautiful landscapes, among the cast of a thousand morphologies, the steaming summit craters, the numerous sliding Etna lava caves, lakes and dense beech woods of the Nebrodi, the Alcantara river trails, enchanted forest Malabotta, the Zingaro Nature Reserve and the beautiful island of Marettimo. You discover protected sites, nature reserves and breathtaking ecosystems, natural and alternative tourism. OUR SERVICES - EXCURSIONS & amp; HIKING - TREKKING ETNA, Nebrodi, Alcantara and PELORITANI - FOREST MALABOTTA (THE ENCHANTED FOREST) -RESERVE ZINGARO AND ISLAND MARETTIMO - TREKKING RIVER - CAVE OF FROST - TREKKING ON MATTERHORN OF SICILY (ROCCA DI NOVARA) - HIKING SERVICES FOR AGENCIES AND TOUR OPERATORS. - TOURS FOR SCHOOLS - EXCURSIONS IN OFF-ROAD - MOUNTAIN BIKE Excursions and activities reserved to all schools in the Parks and Reserves in the most' beautiful areas of natural interest in Sicily Excursions in Etna Park, Nebrodi, Alcantara, Malabotta Woodland Views guided centers in Randazzo, Castiglione di Sicilia, Montalbano Elicona, Duchy of Nelson with visits to museums.

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