Winter Rafting

Winter Rafting


New extreme tourism activity, new not only for Armenia, but also to the whole world!

How did it start?

2000 stars on the sky and more!

The view of the universe has fascinated people since long. However, with the growing population and the spread of city agglomerations, it is becoming ... Read more 

On February 2019 we have been invited to a celebration of Aparan city day, where we were meant to introduce rafting to people and also people taking photo with the rafts, but the format of the even has changed.  On the spot we decided to try sliding down the hill on a raft.  At first glance there was not even any opinion that it can promise a big portion of adrenaline. We went up to the nearest hill on a snowmobile and slid from there!

This provided a serious index. The participants wanted to slide once more and this time from a bit higher point. During the second try the number of participants got to 14, during which we tried to create and artificial jumping spot, to multiply the senses of adrenaline, and thus our expectations came true.  That very day became the day to decide and take the issue seriously and thus we started the investigations and researches over winter rafting. Are there people that are practicing it or not… Later on we concluded that such a service does not exist in the world yet and definitely we decided to practice it and introduce and set a new type of product- Winter Rafting. Afterwards we received an invitation from the municipality of Lernanist where we again performed winter rafting, as well we went to Jermouk and to “Save Amulsar” initiative we slid down the hills in Amulsar.  The most recent invitation was from Vanadzor municipality, to take part in “Winter Lori” annual celebration, where the service was provided for free, since the initiative of Winter Rafting started in Lori.  Next days there was a big increase of number of people willing to participate in winter rafting, which was not provided because of the technical issues. It was necessary to firstly investigate and also follow the safety rules and regulations, and naturally time to do it. Without the proper investigation and works to be done there was a risk of problems occurrence and moreover it could lead to a banning of the brand use.

Today all the problems are solved. Winter rafting is not everybody’s cup of tea, and it is can be definitely considered to be and extreme sport, since while sliding people who don’t listen and follow the instructions can get serious injuries. But this can be caused when the raft lands and the participants cannot properly control the speed of the raft and thus the injuries can be caused.

What you can expect this winter season?

But this year it was decided that this year we will hold winter rafting, that has its levels of difficulty.

For instance sliding trail of level 1, to which families and also with children can participate, and for those who prefer a higher level of extreme and adrenaline special trails with other kind of difficulty will be applied and offered. For extreme and hyper adrenaline lovers we offer a trail of level 4 difficulty- thus the speed of the raft reaches up to 120km/m and the height of the jump up to 0.5 meters.

Well then, this year as well we will contribute to the increase of the number of visitors in Lori region. We only have to hope on the proper weather conditions. And as a conclusion I would like to sum up with the information that the winter rafting will be mobilising and we will move region to region too (funciton of snow level)  in order to deliver the service to all the adrenalin lovers around the whole country. 

With much expectations, looking forward to taking you on the winter rafting adventure

Gev - Founder of Rafting in Armenia

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